COVID-19 Vaccine Third Dose FAQ

COVID-19 Vaccine Third Dose FAQ

COVID-19 Vaccine Third Dose FAQ

The Food and Drug Administration has approved, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends, a third dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for patients with certain conditions, including those who have had an organ transplant and/or those who are immunocompromised.

Here are answers to common questions from patients at the Northwestern Medicine Organ Transplant Center regarding third doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Is a third dose the same as a booster?
No. A third dose of COVID-19 vaccine is the same as the first and second doses, and is recommended for people with certain health conditions. Booster vaccines are not the same as third doses.

Do I need to call the Transplant Center before I get a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine?

Do I need a letter from the Transplant Center stating that I have had an organ transplant?

When should I get the third dose?
The third dose can be given as soon as 28 days after your second dose. We recommend you get it as soon as you can.

Can I get other vaccines around the same time as the COVID-19 vaccine?
Yes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has determined that it is safe to get the COVID-19 vaccine at the same time that you get other vaccines.

I just received my organ transplant last month. How long do I have to wait to receive the vaccine?
This depends on your immunosuppression treatment schedule. Most people can get vaccinated one to three months after surgery; some need to wait up to six months.

Do I need to test for antibodies before or after the vaccine?

I got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Can I get another vaccine dose?
If you have received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, an additional dose is not recommended at this time. We continue to follow CDC guidelines.

Do I have to get the same brand as the first two vaccines I received?
Yes. Your third dose should be from the same manufacturer as your first two doses.

Where can I get the vaccine?

  • Major retail pharmacies are offering third doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. Options include Walgreens, Walmart, Costco, CVS and Jewel Osco.
  • You can send a text message with your ZIP code to GETVAX (438829) (English) or VACUNA (822862) (Spanish). The response will show you the closest pharmacies, what vaccines they have in stock and if you need an appointment.

Is Northwestern Medicine offering third doses?
Yes, but only for patients who need the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. Patients can find locations at

Can my kidney/liver donor get a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine now?

  • Unfortunately, not at this time. Third doses are only approved for patients with certain medical conditions.
  • If your donor has not been vaccinated at all for COVID-19, they should do so to protect their health. They can learn more at

Can I travel after I get my third dose?
You should not travel unless you need to. We are still recommending that our patients:

  • Avoid nonessential travel.
  • Continue masking.
  • Continue physical distancing.
  • Take extra caution in areas with increasing COVID-19 cases.
  • Avoid high-risk exposures, such as indoor dining, concerts and close contact with people who have not been vaccinated.

What common symptoms do you see in patients who have had an organ transplant and test positive for COVID-19?

  • Patients who are vaccinated tend to show mild symptoms, including a cough and slight fever.
  • Patients who are unvaccinated tend to have severe symptoms, such as shortness of breath and uncontrolled fevers, requiring hospitalization.

My family members who are unvaccinated want to come stay with me for a few days. Is that OK?
No. Close contact with people who are not vaccinated poses a high risk to your health.

Do I have to change anything with my medications or frequency of lab draws after my third dose of COVID-19 vaccine?

Are there any specific side effects from the third dose that affect patients who have had a transplant?
Our patients commonly experience the same side effects as anyone else who has gotten the COVID-19 vaccine. Common side effects include:

  • Arm soreness
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Mild fever that goes away within 24 hours

Can I still test positive if I received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Yes. The vaccine is not 100% effective in preventing infection. If you do become infected, the vaccine supports your immune system in fighting the virus. The vaccine is highly effective at reducing the length and seriousness of the illness. If you are vaccinated, you are much less likely to be hospitalized or die from COVID-19.

Preguntas comunes para el refuerzo de COVID

¿Necesito llamar primero a la clínica de trasplante para obtenerla?

¿Necesito una carta del centro de trasplantes de que soy receptor de trasplante?

¿Cuándo debería recibir la 3rd vacuna contra el COVID?
Ahora o al menos 28 días a partir de los 2nd vacuna contra el COVID.

¿Puedo recibir otras vacunas al mismo tiempo que la vacuna contra el COVID?
Está bien obtenerlo al mismo tiempo - anteriormente los CDC dijeron por separado antes de 2 semanas antes de tener suficientes datos.

Acabo de recibir mi trasplante de órganos el mes pasado - ¿cuánto tiempo debo esperar para recibir la vacuna?
Depende de su inmunosupresores de inducción - generalmente 1-3 meses, algunas veces 6 meses.

¿Necesito probar anticuerpos antes o después de la vacuna?

Tengo la vacuna J&J, ¿califico?
Si ha recibido la vacuna J&J, no se recomienda un refuerzo en este momento- es posible que recibamos un anuncio la próxima semana.

¿Tengo que recibir la misma marca que las primeras dos vacunas que recibí?
Sí, se recomienda que usted se queda con el mismo fabricante.

¿Dónde puedo recibir la vacuna?

  • Si usted le enviara su código postal a GETVAX (438829) (inglés) o VACUNA (822862) (español), le mostrará las farmacias más cercanas, qué vacunas tienen disponibles y si necesita una cita.
  • Farmacias locales tales como: Walgreens (pase), Walmart (cita), Costco, CVS, Jewel Osco.

¿Northwestern está proporcionando refuerzos de refuerzo?
Sí, pero solo Pfizer. Los pacientes pueden encontrar ubicaciones en

¿Puede mi donador de riñón/hígado recibir una dosis de refuerzo de la vacuna ahora también?
Desafortunadamente, no en este momento - aquellos que tienen un sistema inmune comprometido califican; si no se han vacunado, deberán.

¿Puedo viajar después de recibir el refuerzo?
Seguir recomendando evitar viajes no esenciales, continuar tapando, distanciarse socialmente, seguir teniendo precaución con el aumento de los casos de COVID y evitar las exposiciónes de alto riesgo - comidas en el interior, conciertos, alrededor de personas no vacunadas.

¿Cuáles son los síntomas comunes que vemos para nuestros pacientes de trasplante que sí tienen un resultado positivo de COVID?
No vacunado - hospitalización, síntomas graves - SOB, fiebres no controladas, vacunados - Síntomas leves - tos, fiebre leve.

Mis primos que no están vacunados quieren venir a quedarse conmigo unos días, ¿pueden?

¿Tengo que cambiar algo con mis medicamentos o la frecuencia de las pruebas de laboratorio?

¿Hay algún efecto secundario específico que los pacientes de trasplante obtengan después del refuerzo?
Nuestros pacientes comúnmente experimentan los mismos efectos secundarios que cualquier otra persona. Entonces algo de dolor de brazo, dolor de cabeza, fatiga, fiebre leve que disminuye en 24 horas, etc.

¿Puedo seguir teniendo un resultado positivo si me han recibido la vacuna?