Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a diagnostic procedure. It uses powerful magnets and radio waves to make detailed images. Care teams use those images to check for and diagnose issues. Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is a type of MRI. It detects issues related to blood vessels and flow.

MRI technologists have special training to use the MRI machine. They will make sure you are comfortable when you have an MRI.

MRIs help your care team make diagnoses faster and more accurately, including for:

What to Expect

During your MRI exam, you will:

  1. Remove jewelry, clothes, glasses, removable dental work and hearing aids.
  2. Get a hospital gown and a private space to change.
  3. Store your personal items in a safe place.
  4. Have an IV (into the vein) line put into your hand or arm. This only happens if you have an MRI with contrast dye.
  5. Lie on a table that will slide into the MRI machine. The machine is typically shaped like a long tube. The machine has a window so you can see your MRI technologist.
  6. Talk with your MRI technologist through a microphone in the MRI machine.
  7. Wear a headset or earplugs to reduce the loudness of the MRI machine.
  8. Not move during the MRI. This helps get the most accurate image possible.

An MRI scan does not usually hurt. Sometimes lying still for a long time may be uncomfortable. If it hurts to lie on your back or in a certain position for a long time, talk to your physician about taking pain medication.


MRI machines have strong magnets. Because of that, it can be dangerous to have certain metals in or on your body. While some metals are attracted to magnets, others may affect image quality. This could delay your clinical care.

Before your MRI, you will likely need to answer questions about any metal or electronic devices in or on your body. It is very important to give comprehensive information about these items.

Tell your care team if you have claustrophobia or are afraid of enclosed spaces before scheduling your MRI. They can recommend other exams, medications, or ways to help you feel comfortable during the MRI.

Companions and Service Animals

Service animals can complete trained tasks before and after MRIs. Someone must care for your service animal during the MRI exam. Staff members will not care for them.

Service animals cannot go in the MRI room. The MRI machine makes loud noises that may cause temporary or permanent hearing loss [1].

You may not bring emotional support animals, companion animals or pets.

Mobility Aids

Most mobility aids, such as canes, walkers and wheelchairs, have metal that is attracted to magnets.

Because MRIs use a powerful magnet, we need to be careful with mobility aids that are not safe around MRI machines. If you use a mobility aid that is not safe near an MRI machine, we will give you a special aid that is safe to use in the MRI room.

We will keep your mobility aid in a safe place. After your MRI and when it is safe to do so, we will return your mobility aid.

Excellence in imaging

Our MRI departments are proud to have earned a five-star rating in patient satisfaction and be accredited by the American College of Radiology.

Earning this designation means:

  • We have voluntarily gone through a rigorous review process to ensure we meet nationally accepted standards.
  • Our staff is well qualified through education and certification to perform and interpret your imaging.
  • Our equipment is appropriate for your test or treatment.
  • Our facility meets or exceeds quality assurance and safety standards.


MRI can be used to diagnose or rule out certain neurological conditions, including:

Types of MRI

Locations & Contact Information

    [1] A. M. Lauer, A.-M. M. El-Sharkawy, D. L. Kraitchman, and W. A. Edelstein, “MRI acoustic noise can harm experimental and companion animals,” Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 743–747, 2012, doi: 10.1002/jmri.23653.