
Prevention of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP)

To avoid SUDEP, manage epilepsy and minimize the associated risk factors. The main approach involves properly managing seizures and epilepsy care.

How to Reduce Your Risk of SUDEP

  • Take prescribed antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) as directed.
  • Strive for optimal seizure management.
  • Follow up with your neurologist to monitor treatment effectiveness and adjust medication doses if needed.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle. This includes:
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Managing stress
  • Avoiding triggers that may provoke seizures
  • Avoid alcohol and illicit drug use as they can increase your risk of seizures

Seizure Detection and Response Devices and Epilepsy Surgery

Some wearable devices and seizure detection systems can alert caregivers or emergency services if you have a seizure. While these devices cannot prevent SUDEP, they can provide early intervention and timely medical help.

For some people, seizures are not well controlled with medication alone. In such cases, epilepsy surgery may be considered. By reducing the frequency and severity of seizures, the risk of SUDEP may also be decreased.

Your care team can help you determine the best treatment for your needs.