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6 Myths of Prostate Cancer [Infographic]

The Truth About the Most Common Cancer in Men

Prostate cancer develops in the prostate, the golf ball-sized gland that's located below a man’s bladder. The prostate makes the thick fluid that’s part of semen and plays an important role in sexual function.

Prostate cancer is the most common non-skin cancer in men, affecting one in seven men in their lifetime. Although prostate cancer is quite common, it often does not cause local symptoms. Only if the cancer progresses beyond the prostate, into advanced stages, will men experience symptoms. Prostate cancer can be detected early through screening tests. The first step is to have an open dialogue with your physician to see if prostate cancer screening is appropriate.

“Although prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, there are great ways to detect it at a curable stage. When to begin screening depends on one’s risk of prostate cancer, which is influenced by a combination of factors including age, family history, race, and lifestyle,” says the Chair of Department of Urology Edward Schaeffer, MD, PhD. “I encourage all men to discuss the test with their doctor to develop a screening plan tailored to their individual risk.”

Prevention begins with understanding prostate cancer. Here are some common myths — and the facts.

6 Myths of Prostate Cancer (Infographic)

Download 6 Myths of Prostate Cancer [Infographic]

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