Neuropsychological Assessments for Adults

If you are experiencing trouble paying attention, memory loss, or loss of functional skills after a stroke or traumatic brain injury, your physician may order a neuropsychological assessment.

What the Assessment Can Do

The assessment will give your care team more information about your condition. It will help them create a treatment plan for you to help you function better in school, work and social settings. It can also help improve relationships with family, friends and others in your community.


A neuropsychological assessment can evaluate your:

  • Intellectual abilities
  • Academic processing, including reading and math
  • Ability to organize and plan
  • Flexibility and inhibition
  • Attention span
  • Language
  • Learning and memory skills

What to Expect

You will have this assessment in the Outpatient Psychology Clinic at Northwestern Medicine Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital.

First, a specialized psychologist and technician will ask you questions for about one hour. They will talk about your medical history and give you a short memory screening. Your loved ones can be part of this interview if you choose.

Next, you will have about 4 hours of testing. During testing, you will:

  • Answer questions out loud
  • Answer questions in writing
  • Respond to prompts on a computer by clicking a mouse or pressing a key on a keyboard

Testing does not involve needles, blood labs, imaging or electrodes. Family members cannot join you during testing.

What to Expect after the Assessment

You will follow up with the psychologist. They will explain your test results. If needed, you and your psychologist will discuss treatment options.

Options might include:

How to Schedule an Assessment

First, your physician needs to order a neuropsychological assessment. Then, you can schedule an appointment to come in for testing.

To schedule an assessment, patients or families can call 630.933.1500 (TTY: 711).