Live well and stay active as you age with the help of Northwestern Medicine.
Caring for Your Senior Services Needs
People are living longer today than ever before. Many seniors live active, healthy and independent lives. Taking steps to maintain your health, such as eating a balanced diet, keeping your mind and body active and getting regular check-ups, can help you live a happier, healthier life.
Northwestern Medicine Geriatrics provides consultation and comprehensive interdisciplinary services for the physical, emotional and social well-being of healthy and frail elderly patients. These patients may have complex medical and psychosocial problems, including dementia, incontinence, mobility disorders, Alzheimer's disease, memory impairment, weight loss and depression. Our team also performs osteoporosis evaluations.
Northwestern Medicine offers a wide range of resources to help you stay healthy and happy during your senior years. You will find the services you need to:
- Stay informed: Choose from a variety of classes and programs in many areas, such as senior fitness, weight management, hearing loss, balance and dizziness issues, disease management, healthy living and more.
- Get fit: Workout facilities and medically integrated lifestyle programs at Northwestern Medicine help you stay healthy and fit for life. You will have access to senior exercise classes, cardiac fitness sessions, nutrition counseling and many other resources. To learn more about membership and classes at our health centers in the northern and western suburbs, please see location information below.
- Connect to care: You will find comprehensive care for your health and wellness needs, including heart care, bone and joint care, cancer care, emotional health care, diabetes education, wellness services, memory care and more. And you can connect to skilled physicians for high-quality primary and specialized care.
- Remain independent: Enjoy your independent lifestyle as long as possible with living assistance from compassionate home health and hospice care professionals at Northwestern Medicine.
- Find trusted options in senior living: If you are ready to simplify your life or need some extra care as you grow older, you will find options in senior living from an experienced healthcare provider at Northwestern Medicine.
Northwestern Medicine Geriatrics provides outpatient diagnostic and therapeutic services for older patients. The Geriatric Health Ministry at Northwestern Memorial Hospital works with local clergy and congregation members to develop health counseling, screening and educational programs for seniors, as well as assessments of homebound or isolated patients.
Meet the Teams

What is a Geriatrician?
Geriatricians are trained to distinguish between a true abnormal problem and a problem that is the consequence of the natural aging process. They provide care within an interdisciplinary model and pay special attention to the whole patient: physical, social and mental. They also work with families and caregivers of older individuals to assure that care is provided in as individualized a manner as possible.
Most seniors receive their care from general internists or family physicians who have not been trained in geriatrics and the special needs of the elderly; geriatric training has only recently been considered a medical school priority. Geriatricians focus on maintaining and improving functional status, providing early intervention and continuity of care, identifying and managing co-morbidities, fostering optimal outcomes and maximizing patient comfort and dignity.
- Aging Issues
- Alzheimer's Disease
- Breast Health Program
- Caregiver Support
- Colorectal Cancer
- Dementia
- Early Memory Loss
- Elder Abuse and Neglect
- Elder Care
- Falls
- Frail Older Adults with Multiple Medical Problems
- Geriatric Oncology
- Healthy Aging
- Incontinence
- Legal Issues in Aging
- Medication Review
- Memory Impairment
- Nutritional Services
- Ongoing Interdisciplinary Consultation
- Osteoporosis
- Prostate Cancer
- Women's Health
Note: Not all treatments are offered at all locations. Contact Northwestern Medicine for more information.
- Access to Clinical Research
- Educational Programs
- Health Assessments of Homebound or Isolated Patients
- Health Counseling
- Health Screening
- Inpatient Psychiatric Care
- Ongoing Interdisciplinary Consultation
- Outpatient Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services