Robotic-Assisted Cochlear Implant Surgery

The latest technology and techniques can help you enjoy better outcomes. We’re proud to be one of only a few places in the U.S. that offer robotic-assisted cochlear implant surgery.

To put in a cochlear implant, surgeons typically attach an electrode to part of your inner ear by hand.

With robotic-assisted surgery, your surgeon will use a small robot to put in the electrode. They can put it in more precisely since the robot is so small.

A robotic-assisted approach often:

  • Protects the nearby delicate parts of your ear.
  • Better adjusts to your unique anatomy.

Your physician will help you decide if this approach is a fit for you. Please call 630.933.4056 to set up a visit.

Meet the Team

Physician who specializes in ENT explains something to a patient

Our experts will guide you at every step of your hearing care journey.

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