Esophageal Diseases Tests and Diagnoses
Esophageal Diseases Tests and Diagnoses
Your physician may conduct a number of diagnostic tests to determine the nature and severity of your esophageal disease, including:
- Barium swallow radiograph: This test involves drinking a barium solution that will allow an X-ray image to spot abnormalities such as ulcers, a hiatal hernia or stricture (narrowing) in the esophagus.
- Upper endoscopy: This test can be performed in a physician’s office or hospital. Your physician will lightly sedate you and numb your throat before sliding a thin, flexible plastic tube (endoscope) down your throat. A light and tiny camera lens at the end of the endoscope lets the physician see the surface of the esophagus, to confirm a diagnosis. The physician may, if necessary, perform a biopsy (take a small tissue sample) using tiny tweezers (forceps) that are passed through the endoscope. This may then be examined by a pathologist to determine if the tissues are abnormal.
- Esophageal manometry: A thin, pressure-sensitive tube is slowly passed back through your esophagus, designed to see if your esophagus is contracting and relaxing properly. Useful for diagnosing swallowing disorders.
- pH monitoring examination: This test uses a small tube inserted in the esophagus for 24 to 48 hours to monitor how and when acid enters the esophagus. If used in conjunction with a food diary (a log indicating amounts and types of food eaten at specific times), this allows your physician to find a correlation between symptoms and reflux. This test may also be used to determine whether respiratory symptoms are caused by reflux.
- Esophageal impedance: This test measures gas or liquids that reflux into the esophagus and is useful in helping assess regurgitation of non-acidic substances. It is delivered by means of a catheter.