Specialists and Care Centers

Dystonia Specialists and Care Centers

The Northwestern Medicine neurosciences programs provide treatment for a full range of neurological disorders, including dystonia. The clinical mission is to provide the highest quality care and treatment for patients with neurological disorders, while advancing new therapies and uncovering the causes and cures of neurological diseases. Our physicians* specialize in neurological treatment and care.

Northwestern Medicine movement disorders neurologists are highly skilled at differentiating primary dystonia (caused by genetics or other factors) from secondary dystonia (caused by other conditions, such as stroke).

Meet the Teams

The Northwestern Medicine neurosciences programs provide treatment for a full range of neurological disorders, including dystonia.

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    In the spirit of keeping you well-informed, the physician(s) identified are neither agents nor employees of Northwestern Memorial HealthCare or any of its affiliate organizations. They have selected our facilities as places where they want to treat and care for their private patients.