
Keloid Treatments

Treatment for keloids may depend on their size, location on the body and appearance. Sometimes several treatments are required to get rid of a keloid.

Treatment may be for cosmetic reasons or to eliminate the itching and burning associated with keloids. Options include:

  • Corticosteroid injections: A series of steroid injections can help shrink the keloid, but it must be used in combination with other therapies for permanent results.
  • Pressure therapy: Often used after surgery, pressure dressing, garments or earrings reduce blood flow to the site, minimizing regrowth.
  • Silicone dioxide: Silicone gels and patches can flatten a keloid or be used after surgery to prevent a keloid’s return.
  • Laser surgery: Using light beams, laser surgery can reduce the size and coloration of a keloid.
  • Open surgery: Traditional surgery to cut out the keloid is only temporary unless combined with pressure, silicone or other therapies.
  • Radiation: Radiation therapy after surgery may help prevent a keloid’s return.
  • Cryotherapy: Freezing the keloid can reduce the size and firmness of a keloid. It can be used in combination with injections of corticosteroids.
  • Ligature: A surgical thread is tied around bulb-shaped keloids to cut off the blood supply until the keloid falls off.
