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Little Buggers [Infographic]

Don’t Let These 5 Insects Bug You This Summer

Bug bites are no fun. During summer months, with more time spent outside, they have an unfortunate tendency to become more frequent. From camping trips to backyard barbecues, or maybe belated spring-cleaning, there is no avoiding these creatures — best described as pests. While mosquitos and ticks may get the most attention, spiders, wasps and fire ants can be troublesome, too.

Applying insect repellant and covering your skin by wearing long sleeves or pants are key to preventing bug bites. Keep in mind that bug bites can have serious consequences. Lyme disease, which is spread by tick bites, is an often-overlooked risk of time spent outdoors.
To learn more about the bugs themselves, what to look for, and how to treat bites and stings, check out the infographic below.

Infographic with title Little Buggers: A Summer Insect Encyclopedia, and subheadings for Mosquitoes, Ticks, Bees, and Spiders with an illustration of the insect and Prevention, Bites and Treatment information for each. Download Little Buggers [Infographic]