Erik D. Englehart, MD

Primary Specialty
Family Medicine
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If your carrier is not listed, your insurance is likely not accepted. Please contact your insurance carrier to be sure if this medical professional accepts your insurance.
- Medical Education:
MD, University of Illinois College of Medicine at Rockford - 2000
- Residency:
University of Illinois College of Medicine at Rockford - 2003
Board Certifications
- American Board of Family Medicine - Family Medicine (Certified)
Practice Groups and Affiliations
- Medical Group:
- Northwestern Medicine Regional Medical Group
- Alignment Category:
Northwestern Medicine Physician Network
- On Medical Staff At:
Kishwaukee HospitalValley West Hospital
Ratings and Reviews
At Northwestern Medicine, our patient’s feedback is important to us. While different care providers have their own unique strengths, we strive to be as transparent as possible with our quality of care.
Read Ratings FAQsOverall Rating
904 Ratings
Reviews from Patients
Reviews from Patients
April 23, 2024
5.0 star star star star starErik again is the best primary doctor in his field. His knowledge, professionalism, and care are far above any primary doctor that my wife and I could ever have. This exemplary employee had to be acknowledged and endorsed by us. Fantastic job again Northwestern for this Doctor. We will recommend anyone needing medical services to Northwestern due to this exceptional Doctor
April 14, 2024
5.0 star star star star starDr. Englehart has a great "bedside manner ". He and I have talked about numerous different situations not just with my medical problems but other things and I feel he's on a level of understanding on so many different platforms not just medical. I've never had a doctor sit and take the time to talk at a personal level with me.
March 04, 2024
5.0 star star star star staralways treats me as a person, not someone to rush in and out f his office. He always takes the time to explain the reason for my problem and what has to be done to solve it. He makes me feel comfortable and has taken time to provide a personal an accurate solution to my needs.
March 03, 2024
5.0 star star star star starDr. Englehart has been my primary care doctor for many years. He is always very good at listening to what I have to say about my condition and very good at explaining things in regard to the condition. He provides the right course of action for a treatment plan. He has a nice personality.
January 22, 2024
5.0 star star star star starDr. Englehart has been [Patient's name] Dr. for many years & is aware of his medical history. He's 78, a Vietnam veteran & now a cancer survivor. The medications that Dr. has prescribed for him & have worked for the anxiety/ptsd & the inoperable back pain. He stopped all other pain meds October [ ] two weeks after his last radiation on Oct[ ]. The cancer care team of doctors, etc have been excellent & I know he'd recommend them.[Patient's spouses name]
External Professional Relationships
Pharmaceutical, device, and biotechnology companies frequently collaborate with basic scientists and physicians within an academic medical center to help advance science and improve patient care. These relationships are important in achieving scientific breakthroughs and in establishing the effectiveness and safety of promising new therapies. In order to assure objectivity in clinical research and patient care, the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine (Feinberg), Northwestern Memorial HealthCare, Children's Hospital of Chicago Medical Center, and the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab have adopted integrity policies that require research and clinical faculty (in full-time, part-time, and unpaid/voluntary categories) to report compensated and uncompensated external industry relationships. Patients are encouraged to discuss these disclosures with their physician as well as to inquire as to how these relationships are overseen by Feinberg. To learn more about our Disclosure and Professional Integrity Policy, and the conflict of interest policies of our joint affiliate survey partners, please go to our Office for Regulatory Affairs Policies page.