Daniel J. Dammrich, MD

Primary Specialty
Hematology and Medical Oncology
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Based on January 2024 plan details.
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If your carrier is not listed, your insurance is likely not accepted. Please contact your insurance carrier to be sure if this medical professional accepts your insurance.
Practice Focus Areas
- Medical Education:
MD, Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine - 2006
- Residency:
Jackson Memorial Hospital/Jackson Health System - 2012
- Fellowships:
Jackson Memorial Hospital/Jackson Health System - 2015
Board Certifications
- American Board of Internal Medicine - Hematology (Certified)
- American Board of Internal Medicine - Internal Medicine (Certified)
- American Board of Internal Medicine - Medical Oncology (Certified)
Practice Groups and Affiliations
- Medical Group:
- Northwestern Medical Group
- Alignment Category:
Northwestern Medicine Physician Network
- On Medical Staff At:
Lake Forest Hospital
Ratings and Reviews
At Northwestern Medicine, our patient’s feedback is important to us. While different care providers have their own unique strengths, we strive to be as transparent as possible with our quality of care.
Read Ratings FAQsOverall Rating
2338 Ratings
Reviews from Patients
Reviews from Patients
April 25, 2024
5.0 star star star star starDr Dammrich takes the time to have the conversation with you. Asks the important questions that should be asked. I have not run across this is modern day medicine. He has extensive knowledge as well as a delivery method that other doctors greatly lack.
April 16, 2024
5.0 star star star star starHe is the one who guides me through treatment, listens to my concerns/ questions and answers them honestly, never rushes my appointments and tells me he is always there if I have more questions or concerns and to never hesitate to get in touch with him. so glad he is on my team!
April 11, 2024
5.0 star star star star starDr. Dammrich is a great Dr. He already knew about my situation and has a plan! Anyone who has cancer, loves to hear those words.... "I have some plans of care!" He was professional and empathetic. I couldn't have imagined that it would be so easy. Thankful for Dr. Dammrich. Thank you, Dr. Dammrich!
March 12, 2024
5.0 star star star star starDr Dammrich is gentle, kind, and reassuring. But also smart, fully prepared, knows my chart before we meet, and totally on top of professional care protocols. I feel very fortunate that he's been on my care team from diagnosis through treatment and now followup.
March 10, 2024
5.0 star star star star starSee above - who could do this job better than him? During the good times he's lots of fun. During the terrible times, he's 100% there for his patients. He never makes us feel dumb for not u restating this very complex world. He always helps me to live my life to its fullest. I really don't feel hampered at all by having stage 4 [ ] . There are probably not too many patients who say that.....
February 13, 2024
5.0 star star star star starDr. Dammrich always takes the time to explain things to me and he is always answering any questions. He makes me feel confident in my care and treatment. I am thankful I have a great team of resources helping me get better.
Daniel J. Dammrich, MD reported no external professional relationships for calendar year 2023.
External Professional Relationships
Pharmaceutical, device, and biotechnology companies frequently collaborate with basic scientists and physicians within an academic medical center to help advance science and improve patient care. These relationships are important in achieving scientific breakthroughs and in establishing the effectiveness and safety of promising new therapies. In order to assure objectivity in clinical research and patient care, the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine (Feinberg), Northwestern Memorial HealthCare, Children's Hospital of Chicago Medical Center, and the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab have adopted integrity policies that require research and clinical faculty (in full-time, part-time, and unpaid/voluntary categories) to report compensated and uncompensated external industry relationships. Patients are encouraged to discuss these disclosures with their physician as well as to inquire as to how these relationships are overseen by Feinberg. To learn more about our Disclosure and Professional Integrity Policy, and the conflict of interest policies of our joint affiliate survey partners, please go to our Office for Regulatory Affairs Policies page.