Vinita Mathew, MD

Primary Specialty
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
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Practice Focus Areas
- Athlete - Older Adult
- Back/Neck/Spine
- Degenerative Disc Disease
- Herniated Disc
- Hip Disorders
- Interventional Pain Management
- Joint Injections
- Musculoskeletal Medicine
- Medical Education:
MD, University of Otago School of Medicine - 2002
- Internship:
SSM St Mary's Hospital-St Louis - 2005
- Residency:
Washington University/B-JH/SLCH Consortium - 2008
Languages Spoken
- Hindi
- Malayalam
Board Certifications
- American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (Certified)
Practice Groups and Affiliations
- Medical Group:
- Northwestern Medicine Regional Medical Group
- Alignment Category:
Northwestern Medicine Physician Network
- On Medical Staff At:
Central DuPage HospitalNorthwestern Medicine Surgery Center
Ratings and Reviews
At Northwestern Medicine, our patient’s feedback is important to us. While different care providers have their own unique strengths, we strive to be as transparent as possible with our quality of care.
Read Ratings FAQsOverall Rating
1466 Ratings
Reviews from Patients
Reviews from Patients
April 23, 2024
5.0 star star star star starDr Mathew is a Excellent Physiatrist in sports medicine,, Pain management & continued Physical therapy recommendations for activity Of daily living,working & managing disability challenges. Dr Mathew has a wonderful bedside manor,professional & extraordinary M.D. In addition her staff is excellent in care as well.
March 01, 2024
5.0 star star star star starDr. Mathew has very good bedside manner. She also listens very closely to what you are saying in regard to your symptoms and then deploys the proper course of treatment. I was practically crippled and in so much pain when I first started seeing Dr. Mathew approx 18/months ago. Today I am doing so much better it's almost miraculous. I'm very glad I chose Northwestern but I knew doctors would be excellent as my sister was treated in spinal cord unit at Northwestern spinal cord unit after a catastrophic accident. I love Dr. Mathew! She's the best!
February 28, 2024
5.0 star star star star starDr Mathew reviewed the MRI with me. She provided a clear diagnosis and provided me with different treatment options. She was personable and described the pros and cons of each option. I felt confident that she was very knowledgeable.
February 27, 2024
5.0 star star star star starShe explained exactly what she was going to do, how it was to be done and walked me through each step as she was doing the test. I was initially very nervous but after a few minutes with her, I knew I was in good hands.
February 16, 2024
5.0 star star star star starDr Mathew is well prepared, listens & observes. She puts together a plan: to hear you, detect the source of your problem, and work with you to find a solution. She has had her own serious injuries in the oast, so she is compassionate & knowledgeable...and a great source of hope! Her team is soooo helpful too!
January 31, 2024
5.0 star star star star starI found her to be pleasant as well as patient with my questions. She took time to check my mobility and history considering my age and seemed understanding with my concerns, Dr, Mathew gave me her opinion of what she felt I was dealing with, how to cope and what procedures to take regarding Rx and therapy. She was very clear and open...I liked her and left reassured.
January 24, 2024
5.0 star star star star starDr Mathew is very knowledgeable about my conditions regarding Spine & anatomy of body components. Regarding my neuropathy & Pain management she has made me as comfortable as can be Dr Mathew has improved my ADLs so much. I m very grateful for her genuine care,expertise & guidance with direction of P.T. and understanding of -my modelities. I am forever grateful she is always there to help with ROMs & her Staff, Erica and Team" very professional & Pleasant.
December 07, 2023
5.0 star star star star starDr Mathew is always willing to try alternative ways to treat my pain and muscle cramping. Trigger point injections have been very helpful in relieving my shoulder, elbow and CMC thumb pain and upper back cramping
December 07, 2023
5.0 star star star star starDr Mathew has given me the care and direction of living With my disability, pain management,rehabilitation I trust Dr Mathew very much She is very kind and special to -me as a teaching physician as Well.Im grateful for her genuine care.
Vinita Mathew, MD reported no external professional relationships for calendar year 2023.
External Professional Relationships
Pharmaceutical, device, and biotechnology companies frequently collaborate with basic scientists and physicians within an academic medical center to help advance science and improve patient care. These relationships are important in achieving scientific breakthroughs and in establishing the effectiveness and safety of promising new therapies. In order to assure objectivity in clinical research and patient care, the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine (Feinberg), Northwestern Memorial HealthCare, Children's Hospital of Chicago Medical Center, and the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab have adopted integrity policies that require research and clinical faculty (in full-time, part-time, and unpaid/voluntary categories) to report compensated and uncompensated external industry relationships. Patients are encouraged to discuss these disclosures with their physician as well as to inquire as to how these relationships are overseen by Feinberg. To learn more about our Disclosure and Professional Integrity Policy, and the conflict of interest policies of our joint affiliate survey partners, please go to our Office for Regulatory Affairs Policies page.