Surgical Vein Ligation and Stripping

Vein ligation and stripping is a minor surgery for varicose veins that cannot be treated by less invasive options. This surgery is performed at the hospital, but most patients go home the same day. Vein ligation and stripping can do the following:

  • Minimize deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and other clots
  • Relieve leg pain, swelling and fatigue
  • Relieve skin disorders, such as ulceration and bleeding
  • Improve the appearance of varicose veins

During this procedure, your surgery team will tie off (ligate) and remove (strip) the varicose veins. Then, they will make small incisions along your leg to remove the varicose veins. After they do this, the removed vein’s blood flow will be redirected to nearby healthy veins.

Your care team will explain how you should prepare for the procedure, what to expect and what care you will need afterward.

Meet the Vein Center Team

Northwestern Medicine Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute is a nationally recognized destination for those who require highly specialized cardiovascular care. Meet the Teams
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