Specialists and Care Centers
Back Pain Specialists and Care Centers
By making use of leading-edge techniques and technology, regenerative- and nanotechnology-based bone graft substitutes, computer-navigated surgery, minimally invasive spine surgery and stereotactic radiosurgery, the back pain specialists throughout Northwestern Medicine offer programs for the management of:
- Spinal deformity
- Spine oncology
- Degenerative disk disease
- Failed neck or back surgery syndrome
- Peripheral nerve compression syndromes
- Peripheral nerve injuries
- Rheumatologic disorders of the spine
- Spinal fractures and other traumatic injuries
- Work-related injuries
- Sports-related back and neck injuries
Back rehabilitation programs can be conducted on an inpatient or outpatient basis. Many skilled professionals are part of your back rehabilitation team,* including any or all of the following:
- Orthopaedist/orthopaedic surgeon
- Neurologist/neurosurgeon
- Physiatrist
- Internist
- Rehabilitation nurse
- Registered dietitian
- Physical therapist
- Occupational therapist
- Social worker
- Exercise physiologist
- Psychologist/psychiatrist
- Recreational therapist
- Case manager
- Chaplain
- Vocational counselor