Specialists and Care Centers

Specialists and Care Centers

The care team at the Northwestern Medicine Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders Center uses a complete and multidisciplinary approach. They will work with you to help manage your tics and improve your quality of life.

Your care team may include experts in:

  • Neurology
  • Psychiatry
  • Social work
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Surgery

As an academic medical center, Northwestern Medicine also has investigational treatments and clinical trials for patients who meet the criteria.

Tourette Association of America Center of Excellence

Northwestern Memorial Hospital is recognized by the Tourette Association of America as a Center of Excellence.

The Center of Excellence (CofE) designation from the Tourette Association of America is for medical institutions that:

  • Give the highest level of care for people with Tourette syndrome
  • Add to leading-edge research for Tourette syndrome
  • Employ leaders in the field of Tourette syndrome care
  • Provide education and exceptional community outreach and advocacy for Tourette syndrome and tic disorders

As a Center of Excellence, Northwestern Medicine provides:

  • Timely and accurate evaluations of Tourette syndrome and related conditions
  • Access to clinical research studies that give a better understanding of Tourette syndrome and tic disorders to help create effective treatments
  • Trained healthcare professionals specializing in Tourette syndrome, tic disorders and related disorders
  • Support groups to educate patients, families and the public on Tourette syndrome and tic disorders

Meet the Teams

Our goal at the Northwestern Medicine Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders Center is to help our patients manage their tics and improve their quality of life.

Locations & Contact Information

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    In the spirit of keeping you well-informed, the physician(s) identified are neither agents nor employees of Northwestern Memorial HealthCare or any of its affiliate organizations. They have selected our facilities as places where they want to treat and care for their private patients.