Offering a Community Health Partnership Between Clergy and Northwestern Medicine Physicians
Physical• Mental • Spiritual
Heart Disease and Black Americans
In honor of Heart Health Month and Black History Month, our seventh episode of Clergy & Clinicians features Pastor Chris Harris speaking with Clyde W. Yancy, MD, MSc, about the impacts of heart disease on Black people in the U.S. Dr. Yancy, chief of Cardiology in the Department of Medicine at Northwestern Medicine and former president of the American Heart Association, explains why heart disease is the leading cause of death among Black people in the U.S. and answers questions from members of Bright Star Church in Chicago’s Bronzeville community. Tune in to this episode to learn simple ways to reduce your risk of developing heart disease!
VIDEO: Watch as Pastor Harris and Dr. Yancy discuss why and how to reduce heart disease risk.
Organ Transplants and Donations within the Black Community
In our sixth episode of Clergy & Clinicians, Pastor Chris Harris speaks with Dinee C. Simpson, MD, of Northwestern Medicine and Harry E. Wilkins III, MD, of Gift of Hope Organ & Tissue Donor Network about the organ transplantation and donation processes. The discussion includes kidney disease prevention and a Q&A with members of the Bright Star Church congregation.
Preguntas y Respuestas Sobre la Vacuna Contra el COVID-19
En nuestro quinto episodio de El Clero y La Comunidad Médica, nuestros expertos responden a las preguntas y preocupaciones sobre la vacuna contra el COVID-19 en la Comunidad Latina.
COVID-19 Vaccine Questions and Answers
In our fourth episode of Clergy & Clinicians, Pastor Chris Harris speaks with Dr. Stephanie Cox-Batson and Dr. Babafemi Taiwo about the COVID-19 vaccine. During the discussion, they answer COVID-19 vaccine questions and concerns on the minds of those in the Black community.
VIDEO: Watch as our healthcare experts discuss the COVID-19 vaccine with Pastor Harris.
Mental Health Questions and Answers
In our third video, Bright Star Community Outreach members ask important questions about mental health issues within the Black community. Northwestern Medicine Psychiatrist John Franklin, MD, MSc, MA, has answers, including information about resources available in Chicago.
Mental Health Within the Black Community
Our second video features Pastor Chris Harris from Bright Star Church in Chicago’s Bronzeville community and Inger Burnett-Zeigler, PhD, a clinical psychologist from Northwestern Medicine. Together, they discuss the impact of mental health conditions on Black Americans and why Black Americans are less likely to seek treatment for depression, anxiety and other mental health conditions.
VIDEO: Watch the interview and learn more about mental health within the Black community.
COVID-19’s Impact on the Black Community
The first video in our monthly Clergy & Clinicians video series features a conversation between Dr. Clyde Yancy from Northwestern Medicine and Pastor Chris Harris from Bright Star Community Outreach about the impact of COVID-19 on the African American community.